O.C. supervisors reject Megan’s Law-style website for vicious dogs

Orange County won’t be creating a Megan’s Law-style website for dangerous dogs any time soon. The county Board of Supervisors had been considering creating an online database listing the addresses of homes where dangerous dogs are kept, but on Tuesday a majority of supervisors said they don’t support such a site. “I think that whole area needs a lot more study before we go in that direction,” said Supervisor Patricia Bates. …

… Bates said she worried it might be difficult for owners to get their dogs removed from the site even if the animals stopped behaving dangerously. Nelson said residents who want to know the location of dangerous dogs already have the option of calling OC Animal Care to learn where they are kept. He also said he worried it would be difficult to keep the site up to date. …

… Owners whose dogs are deemed dangerous have a right to a hearing and to appeal the decision in Orange County Superior Court, supervisors said. Full Article

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“Bates said she worried it might be difficult for owners to get their dogs removed from the site even if the animals stopped behaving dangerously. Nelson said residents who want to know the location of dangerous dogs already have the option of calling OC Animal Care to learn where they are kept. He also said he worried it would be difficult to keep the site up to date”

Do they even hear themselves?????

Even freakin DOGS get more consideration….

WOW, 290 registrar are considered lower then dogs. It seems they have more rights then humans.

The oc public policy is to afford animals their rights, but for
people NO………right to a hearing..???…difficulty removed from list are some reasons for no list…oc supervisors must
support equal protection as they have reasoned public policy.

So here’s the deal, in 2012, 38 people died from dog bites, 19 were children. So much for saving the children, eh? So does anybody know how many children were killed by SO’s or better yet, RSO’s? This crap is totally insane, but incrementally, changes are being made. Politicians won’t be happy until every adult male, male child and dog is on some kind of registry. Soon, who will be left to save? Damn politicians aren’t smart enough to save themselves.
It’s time to put on my sackcloth and find some ashes…my county has a no burn policy because of air quality, so I have to get my ash from another county!

For those with too much time on their hands… the Supervisor’s Board Meeting can be viewed here:

#48 – 3:31:00

Of great entertainment value is the discussion about the Discretion and Due Process about Level III designated dogs (those who, without provocation, have killed or caused severe injury such as exposing muscle, bone or tendon). Also ‘earning’ the right to be taken off the web site (now moot) for Level 1s after a period of lawful existence – so as to not stigmatize / unfairly target the property or owner.

In the ordinance I did not see a prohibition for dogs declared “dangerous” to enter County Parks and Beaches. Is it possible a dog known to be dangerous and vicious is not barred from entering recreational areas where children regularly gather!

Just waiting for a designated dog to bite someone and the victim to sue the county for knowing about a vicious animal but intentionally not publicizing it on a web site.

http://cams.ocgov.com/Web_Publisher/Agenda12_17_2013_files/images/48-12172013_9843575.PDF (Ordinance)

http://cams.ocgov.com/Web_Publisher/mainlist.asp?docid=00000048&docname=Agenda12_17_2013.htm&meetdate=12_17_2013&pagendatypeid=1&pisagenda=1 (all documents)

Put the truth out there orange crooked county…..more likely
than not…you will be attacked mauled assaulted seriously injured to possibly loss of life from animal than from your
slavelike..prisoner of warlike human registry.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone here that dogs apparently have more rights than humans.